Make a difference by becoming an ARCSA member and help grow your professional rainwater catchment career

As a member of ARCSA, you can help shape the future of the rainwater harvesting industry. ARCSA aims to provide expertise and information on the importance of rainwater collection environmentally, economically, and socially in a way that is accessible to all, which is achieved by drawing from the knowledge of our members. Help strengthen and preserve your industry by becoming a member today!



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The ability to go beyond our monthly e-newsletter with access to members-only articles from subject matter experts

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Access to the members-only ARCSA Resource Archives, with hundreds of articles, papers, studies and more

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Members-only discounts of up to $125 per registrant for ARCSA's professional development workshops, which now lead to highly regarded ASSE Series 21120 Rainwater Catchment Systems Certification

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Members-only registration rates for ARCSA's annual conference

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Exclusive e-mail communications on rainwater harvesting training and classes, seminars, workshops, and other events of note

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Access to the Members-only section of the ARCSA site, which hosts specialized services and information

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Free Job Listings for organizations seeking help, or for members seeking work

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Authorization to use ARCSA's member logo on your Website, letterhead, business cards, etc.

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